Our Services
Badare is committed to working with our clients to tailor services based on individual needs and circumstances. Please contact us to discuss the services you require and our team will work with you to come up with the best plan. As a guide the services below provide an indication of the areas we specialise in but pease contact us to discuss you specific circumstances.
Home-based support
Where participants have Home and Living supports in their NDIS plan Badare can provide experienced staff to address these requirements.
Group activities
Badare is developing some unique group support programs to provide participants with opportunities to participate in engaging experiences. Please contact us if there is something specific you would like to discuss.
Community support
Badare offers a range of community based services to assist participants engage in social and community activities and supports required to engage in the workforce. This can range from transport supports to visits to your favourite cafe or activity.
Early intervention for children
Badare offers specialist support through staff qualified to work with children requiring additional support in line with the NDIS Early Intervention program